Missouri Cattle Auction Reports on the Cattle Range

Missouri Auction & Market Reports

  • USDA Market Reports

sitios web de subastas& Market Reports…

Subastas reportadas por USDA Market News…

Missouri Weekly Cattle Auction Summary (Vie)
Callaway Livestock Center… Kingdom City (Mon)
Central Missouri Sale Company… Sedalia (Mon)
Douglas County Livestock Auction…, Ava (Thu)
Eastern MO Commission Company… Bowling Green (Vie)
Farmington Regional Stockyards… Farmington (Mié)
Show-Me-Select Special… Fruitland (Mon)
F and T Livestock Market Feeder/Replacement Cattle… Palmyra (Mar)
Show-Me-Select Special… Palmyra (Mon)
subasta de Ganado de Green City… Green City (Mié)
Interestatal Regional Stockyards… Cuba (Tue)
Joplin Regional Stockyards Feeder Cattle… Cartago (Tue)
Joplin Regional Stockyards Slaughter/Replacement Cattle…, Cartago (Mié)
Joplin Regional Stockyards… Carthage-Rep. Heifer (estacional)
Kingsville Livestock Auction… Kingsville (Mar)
Kirksville Livestock Auction… Kirksville (estacional)
Lolli Brothers Livestock Market… Macon (Mar)
MO-Kan Livestock Market… Butler (Vie)
nuevo mercado ganadero de Cambria… New Cambria (Thu)
Ozarks Regional Stockyards Feeder Cattle… West Plains (Tue)
Ozarks Regional Stockyards Slaughter/Replacement Cattle… West Plains (Mié)
Patton Junction Livestock Auction…, Patton Junction (Mon)
South Central Regional Stockyards… Vienna (Mié)
Springfield Livestock Marketing Center Feeder Cattle… Springfield (Mié)
Springfield Livestock Marketing Center Slaughter/Replacement Cattle… Springfield (Mon)
Springfield Livestock Marketing Center… Springfield – Ganado Lechero (mensual)
St.Joseph Stockyards Feeder Cattle… St. Joesph (Mié)
St.Joseph Stockyards Slaughter/Replacement Cattle… St. Joseph (Mon)
Unionville Livestock Market… Unionville (Mar)

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